How Can I Serve Using My Spiritual Gifts?
This survey identifies many of the areas that volunteers serve in our church. Select the items that you are interested in the survey and someone from that team will contact you. You can explore the columns below for all the ways you can become involved at MUMC. Click on this
to connect to the survey.
You are invited to participate in any and all events held inside and outside our buildings. We believe in coming together to pray, listen and support each other. It is our hope that we engage one another in laughter and love.
Sunday worship service is at 8:30 or 11:00 am.
Would you like to help out with a worship service? Please click on the following link to sign up to welcome folks, greet (sign people in), read scripture, help with communion, or be a coffee/tea host/hostess.
There is no new members group scheduled at this time.
When: Sunday mornings
Time: 9:45 - 10:45
Children's Wing & Youth Wing
Room 1 for adults
Adult Sunday School Class take place in room 1 from 9:45 to 10:45.
We know that staying connected through prayer is important, now more than ever. If you have prayer requests, please don't hesitate to call the church office at 970-249-3716 or email us a prayer:
Our sanctuary is open Monday through Thursday for individual meditation and contemplation from 8:30 am - 2 pm.
Everyone is welcome to pray and meditate in our sanctuary and prayer groups.
The Nursery is available during our Sunday services. It is free and RSVP's are not required.
Quick Care is child care for ages 6 months to 6 years-old held every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Our Quick Care program has limited space for up to 8 kids at a time, so RSVP’s are required. The cost for Quick Care is $20 per kid.
Parent's Night Out
Our Parent's Night Out program is for ages 6 months to 12 years-old. Our program runs on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 5:30 p.m.- 8:30 PM. This is an opportunity for parents to enjoy a night out while their kids are busy with theme-specific activities each night. Space is limited to 8 kids (ages 6 months-5 years old) and 12 kids (ages 6 years old - 12 years-old). Cost is $20 per kid or $50 for families. An RSVP is required.
Please visit the following link to get more information and/or to RSVP :
Questions about any of our Nursery programs? Contact Kayla., Nursery Coordinator, at (970) 596-9264.
Join our Nursery Facebook Group for weekly updates!
Methodist's love to sing and love music. We have many opportunities for you to become a part of our community.
Sounds of Faith is our chancel choir and is open to anyone wishing to make a "joyful noise!" Under the direction of Kelly Thompson, Sounds of Faith meets Wednesdays from 6:45 -8:00 pm in the sanctuary.
The hand bell choir is under the direction of Kelly Thompson and meets on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 in the sanctuary. While the ability to read music staff is helpful, we are willing to train those with no to little musical knowledge.
Do you know how to play an instrument or/and sing but do not want to commit to weekly practice? We always have room for a solo or participation in Sunday worship on a one-time or limited basis. Please contact Kelly Thompson, the Director of Music if you have an interest in participating occasionally.
Click on this video to learn more about the Music Group.
For more information contact the Director of Music, Kelly Thompson at or call the church at 970-249-3716.
The United Methodist Men is an organization of the Montrose United Methodist Church, serving the church, its members, and the world. It is open to all men of the church who support the mission, activities, and goals of the church. There are no membership requirements other than to have a Christian heart and spirit. The men typically meet twice a month at the church from September through May – the first & third Mondays of the month at 7 am for breakfast, fellowship, and a program.
Activities – The men like to keep a low profile and remain behind the scenes. For this reason some may not be aware of what they do. We currently have a maintenance group of several men who will assist anyone in the congregation with minor household repairs or other similar needs. We set up for the United Methodist Women Bazaar, cook for the church Homecoming Sunday, and wash dishes for countless church activities. We provide the worship experience once a year on UMM Sunday. The men take on special projects like building storage boxes for church equipment. We are always ready to serve when asked.
Financial Support – Over the last 15 years, the UMM have given over $62,000 to support the youth of MUMC! Many of the youth’s activities would not have been possible without this support. Over the last 10 years the men have also donated over $4,200 to various local charities – Habitat for Humanity, Grand Mesa Christian Association Camp, Boy and Girl Scouts, Gideon’s, Hospice, and others. One of the ways the UMM raise funds is through the local Safeway & City Market grocery store rewards programs.
Click on this video to learn more about the United Methodist Men.
To find out more, please contact the church office at 970-249-3716.
United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. The women at Montrose United Methodist Church (MUMC) are extremely generous in volunteering their time, talents, and money to support each other and missions of all types. All women are welcome and embraced whether they attend MUMC or not.
The United Women in Faith meet on the second Wednesday of each month for a luncheon, an educational program, and a devotion September through May.
In addition to the overall United Women in Faith, we have 4 smaller circles which are described below. Women are welcome to be members of the overall group, a Circle or more than one Circle. All contacts can be reached by calling the office at 970-249-3716. Contacts for the church wide United Women in Faith are:
President: Beth McCorkle
V. President: Roberta Crabtree
Secretary: Annette Schmoker
Treasurer: Laura Albright
Board Members at Large: Sharyl Waldron, Joan Dunham, Sharon Hayes, Connie Pittenger
Children/Youth Representative: Sarah Seymour
Spiritual Growth: Sally Burrichter
Social Action: Connie Pittenger
Program Resources: Linda Pavlich
Membership Nurture: Ann Liebermann
Our church has 4 groups of women that meet monthly. These groups are called Circles. Each group has a bit different focus and interests so we encourage new members to find a group that meets your needs. Or better yet, contact them and visit one of their get togethers and decide which one you would like to join. The Circles take their names from women or concepts in the Bible.
Mary Olive: This group is very mission minded and accomplish anything they decide to take on. They have very creative programs at their monthly meeting. They meet on the 3rd Thursday, September through May. This Circle has approximately 15 members.
Chair: Karen Elliott
Faith: This group meets in members home, restaurants, or at church. They enjoy inspirational programs and provide refreshments at their meetings. Many of their members are very involved in church life becoming involved in local, regional, and international mission projects. They volunteer for all kinds of projects often leading ventures such as the annual bazaar, and providing layettes for newborns without resources at the hospital. Many of them enjoy doing crafts. They meet on the 4th Thursday at 1:30 pm September through May. This Circle has approximately 25 members.
Chair: Ann Liebermann
Mary and Elizabeth: This circle originally formed so their members could meet in the evening. At that time, many of the members had children and/or were working. They also had a very strong interest in doing outdoor activities like hiking, snowshoeing, or walking a Labyrinth.
This Circle has traditional meetings with a program and devotions but love doing outings in lieu of an indoor meeting when weather permits. Members of this circle also step up to volunteer for projects when needed. Members have time and the technical skills to help out with tasks like helping out in the office. This group continues to meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm although sometimes days and time will differ due to outdoor opportunities. They often meet every month. There are approximately 30 members in this Circle with 8-12 participating in the monthly activity.
Contact: Micki Kintner
Reading Program at Montrose MUMC
The Reading Program encourages us to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It offers an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of our mission work. The books are displayed in a bookshelf near the stairs by Baldridge Hall. We use a self-check-out system. Just write your name and the current date on the book’s card, and place it in the box provided. When you are finished with the book, please return it to the top shelf. The Secretary for Program Resources will see that the books are re-shelved and your reading records updated. For more information, contact Linda Pavlich.
See a complete list of reading materials here.
Join our Facebook Group to get the latest Zoom links here
Click on this video to learn more about the United Methodist Women.
Sarah Seymour is our Family Ministry Director.
She can be reached by calling the office at 970-249-3716 or email
See below to find out more about the Children and Youth programs.
Sunday School
All ages are invited to participate in Sunday School
When: Sunday mornings at 9:45
Location: Baldridge Hall
Join us for Vacation Bible School, Summer Funday and more. Keep your eyes posted here as this page will be updated with the most current information.
United Methodist Youth Fellowship
Most Sundays from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Location: Meet at the Church (Baldridge Hall - 1st Street entrace)
Check the Events page for details.
Youth-Driven. Christ-Centered.
What we seek to emphasize
Fellowship – We seek to build a sense of clique-free community and establish a safe and comfortable environment.
Worship – Students need to know that behind everything we do is the goal of glorifying God, for what he has done and for what he continues to do.
Ministry – Students should be able to show the world who they are as an individual and as the church by living compassionately.
Discipleship – Our youth ministry helps students to grow in their knowledge of God’s grace through Jesus Christ and in their relationships with God.
Outreach – Youth ministry encourages students to know what they believe, why they believe it, and how to articulate it to others.
Vacation Bible School's theme this year is "Diving into Friendship with God".
Dates: June 3rd to the 7th from 9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
Ages are 3 (Potty Trained) to completed 5th grade.
Cost is $25 per child. There is a multiple children discount after 3 paying kids.
Click on this link to register.
We are a congregation that believes in missions and we enjoy helping others in our community, region and abroad. We do this with out time, talents and treasures. Join us!
If you are interested in volunteering contact the church office at 970-249-3716 Monday - Thursday 9 am to 2 pm.
Some History about Sunday Supper - A program to feed the hungry on Sunday evening, began Jan. 3, 2016. The youth group of the church did mission work in the Tenderloin district of San Franciso serving meals to the underprivileged. When they returned and shared their experience with the church a few people were moved to start a free meal on Sunay evenings in Montrose. At that time there was not any free meal offered on the weekends.
The first time 2 guests came. Since then, volunteers have provided a meal every week. We were serving about 50 to 75 people each week before COVID 19 closed the church. We continued to serve outside meals even during the pandemic. As people are coming back we are serving 15 to 30 people. Workers are always needed to cook and serve. This is a great service to the Montrose community and is greatly appreciated by those who come.
This has grown into a Montrose community service. Volunteers come from every walk of life and many churches have stepped up to volunteer for a Sunday or a month of Sundays. A special shout out to the LDS church that has volunteered many months. Thanks to all who serve. God is Good!
United Women in Faith Carft Making is a group of women who meet together to put together craft items to be sold at the yearly United Women in Faith bazaar. It is also a time for fellowship and fun!
They meet each Tuesday from 1:30 – 3:30 P.M. in Room 1 at the church. Come anytime and stay as long as you want.
Our group takes on different projects depending largely on the skills of those who attend.
We have had women who come and knit or crochet during the time. Others may be working on items assembly line type style,
each one doing a different part of the project. Others may get supplies from our great supply of notions and take them home to do parts, then bring them back to be finished by someone else. Some may be skilled with painting, while others may work making jewelry.
We have been gifted with many donations to be used to make our items. We have a great time being together, visiting and getting to know each other in a special way. All monies earned from the items we sell at the UMF “Down Home Country Bazaar” go to mission projects of United Women in Faith.
For more information call Sharon Hayes at 970-240-3505 or email at
The Dolphin House is a child-friendly facility whose purpose is to provide child victims a safe, non-threatening place to tell what happened to them during necessary investigations of child abuse. Dolphin House staff offer crisis intervention and ongoing supportive services that help child victims and non-offending family members begin their healing process.
The Dolphin House serves the 7th Judicial District in western Colorado. Counties include: Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel.
Grand Mesa Camp is located above 10,000 feet in an inspirational forest setting near high mountain lakes up on Grand Mesa. The camp is sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Conference of the Methodist Church. The camp is located off Highway 65 on the Grand Mesa. It is about an hour and a half drive from Montrose. Pack your bug spray, sunscreen and Bible and join us to spend time developing a closer relationship to Christ and to develop friendships with other Christians.
Separate camps are held for senior high youth, mid-high youth, elementary children grades 3rd-5th, families and young adults during the summer months.
Check out scholarships from the United Methodist Women.
To get information and to register for Grand Mesa Camp click here.
If you have any questions contact the office at 970-249-3716.
We enjoy partnering with Habitat for Humanity of the San Juans. Our church volunteers to help out on construction projects once or twice a year. To learn more - go to
One of the local Mission Projects Montrose United Methodist Church chose in 2021 is Kid's Aid. We donated $870 from our Lenten offerings and other donations.
Kids Aid started in Montrose in February 2009 to feed children in our community. Working directly with the schools, backpacks are sent home with children in need on Fridays to provide food for the child over the weekend.
Unfortunately, many children in our community are depending on school meals for the majority or all of their meals. So when the weekend comes, instead of being excited about the break from school, they are fearful because they may be hungry most of the weekend.
The children that you may see at the park or riding a bike in your neighborhood may not be eating. They may be going to bed hungry.
We are not trying to sound dramatic – this is REALLY happening, it is heartbreak, and it’s unacceptable.
Kids Aid spends approximately $3.50 per child per week to fill a backpack full of food. Supporting a child annually can be done for approximately $125. This includes providing food over the school breaks and closures.
To learn more, volunteer, sponsor a child or donate money click on the following link
Our church supports Northside Elementary School in many ways. We provide supplies for students, meals for teachers at parent-teacher conferences and food for the Kids Aid Program.
Please contact the office if you're interested in helping out. 970-249-3716.
Reconciling Hearts, a ministry within Montrose UMC, celebrates God’s gift of diversity and values wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also every age , race, ethnicity , physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic , immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.
We meet the first Monday of the Month in Room 1, everyone is welcome to join us.
Becky Clark, she/her
Robert Crabtree, she/her
Sharing Ministries is a faith-based, non-denominational, non-profit food bank in Montrose, Colorado.
We are committed to obtaining the freshest food possible from various sources and distributing it at no cost to those who need food assistance in Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, Ouray, and San Miguel counties.
Sharing Ministries Food Bank was established in 1996 and operates under the direction of an elected volunteer Board of Directors and a full-time Executive Director. Many people and businesses support Sharing Ministries by volunteering their time and skills to the daily operations of the organization. We also partner with several excellent organizations.
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.
UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – be it famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and to be a source of help and hope for those left most vulnerable. We provide relief, response and long-term recovery grants when these events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.
Please click on the following link for more information or to get involved.
You may have special talents – we need you! These are committees that help guide us spiritually, administratively, and financially as we live into our mission and vision.
We are a team of volunteers that supports the church in the area of sound booth staff and service slide presentations. We assist the online and in-person worship services on Sunday mornings by operating the video cameras and soundboard in support of the spoken word and music. We operate the video projector to provide words for the songs and support the message.
Additionally, we live stream one of the services each Sunday. The live streamed service is available publicly on Facebook. The recording of the live streamed broadcast is available on YouTube and the Church’s website.
The support team is also called on to support other uses of our facility, such as weddings, memorial services, and other special events.
Contact Steve Gray (team lead) at
970-249-3716 for more information.
The Board of Trustees takes care of the church building and property of the Montrose United Methodist Church. The proper upkeep and management of the property ensures that (1) disciple-making ministries are effective and (2) the legal and insurance requirements related to the MUMC are satisfied.
A physical plant that is “well-groomed” and attractive is much more welcoming, safe, and hospitable than one that shows signs of benign neglect.
Chair: Nancy Johnson
The Church Council exists to create and supervise the strategic plans for our local congregation so that the congregation fulfills it mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ. This is a two-fold function that includes both the leadership and management of the church.
The Church Council meeting is an arena to listen to God, and make decisions, take action and to provide information that cannot be handled in any other way, and continue planning for the Church.
For meeting dates or to request copy of agenda items please contact the church office at 970-249-3716. We normally meet the 4th Monday at 5:30 or 7:00 pm month starting. If additional meetings are needed they will be advertised at least one week in advance.
Chair: Kathy Devor
Would you like an upcoming event or group to be published to the whole church, or the community? Please fill out a publicity form and return it to the church office, or email the Administrative Assistant at to ensure your group is represented the way you want it to be presented. Please note that all requests need to be submitted TWO WEEKS PRIOR to publishing beginning date. To access the form, CLICK HERE.
The vision of the Communications Committee is to make the ministries and worship of our church as visible and welcoming as possible to people of the community.
We communicate the church’s vision and mission to the public via media (newspapers, advertising media, radio and television, signs)
We build community within the church by providing information the congregation needs to make informed decisions via print and electronic media (newsletters, brochures, flyers, displays, audiovisual, the website)
We promote opportunities and resources by assisting church ministry groups in promoting events and services
For more information or to submit a form contact the Director of Communication, Beth McCorkle at: or call the office at 970-249-3716
We are a group of people in the church who strive to assist the pastor in caring for the members of our congregation. We call on the sick, elderly, homebound, hospitalized and hurting members as representatives of the church. We visit with them, listening to their concerns, pray with them, offering comfort and encouragement. We are in contact with the pastor regarding these visits. The prayer group is notified of special requests or needs. We follow up these visits with phone calls, notes, and meals as needed, etc. as often as possible. This is our primary role.
In addition, we take communion to homebound and assisted living members each quarter or more often as needed. We work with the bus coordinator to provide rides to services. We follow up with the family for 11 months after the death of a church member.
In addition to these direct care roles, we assist the pastor with new members – helping develop a list of potential new members, contacting them by mail, phone and email and assisting with the classes. If you would like to visit, write notes, offer rides, bake cookies, or pray for those who request prayers, WE HAVE A SPOT FOR YOU. You don’t have to attend meetings, don’t need to commit a certain length of time, just have a willing heart. We can add you in any time.
Click on this video to learn more about Congregational Care.
Chair: Annie Hauck and Deidra Manary Contact the church office at
970-249-3716 and get involved.
The Endowment Trust was established to fund large projects and needs of the Church, such as expansion of the Church building and major maintenance projects. The funds are invested for future returns. The net earnings from the investments are available for special projects, particularly new ministries and stewardship opportunities, as determined the Endowment Trust Committee. Past funding has provided assistance to purchase new hymnal supplements, a new keyboard, printed materials for bereaved families, and upgrade the Church’s website, among numerous other projects.
To apply for a grant please fill out this form and provide it to the Chair for review at their next meeting.
Click on this video to learn more about Endownment Trust.
Chair: Krista Drake
Please contact her by calling the office at 970-249-3716.
The Finance/Stewardship Committee’s duty is to empower the ministries and committees of the church through a prudent stewardship of church funds. The Committee drafts an annual budget, raises money and protects the soundness of church finances. The committee meets every month to review the church’s records. The Committee is also responsible for carrying out an audit of each budget year.
Click on this video to learn more about Finance/Stewardship.
Chair: Kevin Meiners
The Lay Leader's main task is to gather the hopes and concerns of our congregation, to make a plan to address issues; recommend these plans to the appropriate committees and leadership; and support such programs so that our community may be more just and loving. It is also to provide a link with the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church for training opportunities and interpretation of conference programs.
Lay Leader: Annie Hauck
Missions Committee
Every committee is important to the life of the Church, but ours fits perfectly because we all in some way serve the poor, hungry, and needy as Jesus asks us to do in the mission of the Church. Local missions, include Northside Elementary School where we provide supplies for students, meals for teachers at parent-teacher conferences and food for the Kids Aid Program. Our Congregational Care Ministry is in constant mission to individual church members. We also have church members who take on projects of their own, such as supporting Operation Christmas Child.
As a church we support the United Methodist Church Global Missions, which in turn provides financial assistance and support teams to natural disasters worldwide. We support our church camp on Grand Mesa, Wycliffe Bible Translation, and Community Garden by selling pecans, and by other special offerings.
Click on this video to learn more about Missions.
Chair: Beckie Pendergrass
The Committee on Nominations and Lay Leadership, in prayerful discernment, identifies leadership for our church ministry in such areas as worship, Christian education, compassionate care, missions, finance, facility, and staffing oversight. The committee also provides resources and continuing education opportunities for training the leaders for ministry in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Co - Chairs: Reverend Kevin Young and Gary Preslan
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) prayerfully oversees all matters that have to do with the paid ministry staff of our church.
Staff members each have a liaison from the committee who advocates, encourages, and supports that staff member. The committee person also relates and helps interpret issues that arise in their ministry area as the staff members interact with the people of the congregation.
The committee is responsible for the hiring of staff and recommending salary packages.
This is a great ministry team for those with personnel and human resources backgrounds.
Click on this video to learn more about Staff Parish Relations.
Chair: Ryan Honeycutt
The Worship Committee's goal is to provide a meaningful worship experience for our congregants. This involves greeters, ushers, acolytes, the preparation of Communion, the sound system, the appearance of the sanctuary, decorations for church seasons, and a myriad of details about the actual worship service and special services throughout the year. We meet to discuss how things are going, review congregational feedback, plan upcoming special events, and seek out new ways to make our services friendly, efficient, and holy.
Co-Chair's: Pati Thompson, Nancy Johnson & Chris Taylor
19 S. Park Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
P: (970) 249-3716
Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 2 pm
Friday: Closed