You are welcome here and wherever we sponsor events and there is no membership requirement. We have people who have been participating for years and never “made it official”. We would love for you to attend a class to learn more about membership, but you don’t have to and you are always welcome.
We have open communion here at Montrose United Methodist Church. You don’t have to be a member of this church, or any church, to partake of the bread and juice offered as a symbol of God’s grace and love for all people.
Whatever you feel comfortable wearing, but please wear some clothes. Join us in your jeans and boots, shorts and flip-flops, or dress-up in your finest. Here at Montrose UMC, we don’t believe in a dress code, just that you do dress.
Yes. There is a ramp on the Park Ave side of the building that will take you directly into the Sanctuary. We also have an elevator with entry from 1st street. It is located center of the building near the bicycle racks. All of our steps have handrails. All but one of the bathrooms is fully accessible.
We also have hearing devices in the Sanctuary to help those that cannot hear well.
We have a “Welcome Table” in Baldridge Hall, our community gathering space. At this table, there are more brochures with information for kids, youth, families, Bible studies, support groups, and more! We hope you’ll check it out.
If you are looking for things happening this month check out our Events Page, or our Resource Page.
Please click here. The information is provided by the greater United Methodist Church.
1882 - Sunday School was held in a Carpenter Shop with nail kegs and beer kegs being used as “pews”.
1886, April 17th - Cornerstone of the new Methodist Episcopal Church was laid at the corner of Cascade and North Second Street.
1908 – The building was in such dire need of repair that plans began to start a new church on the corner of Park Ave. and South First Street. The lot was purchased in 1909 and shortly thereafter, construction began on the basement of the new church. The new church’s design, based on the 1909 Akron plan for church buildings, is credited to Colorado Springs Architect Thomas P. Barber. Eventually the church on the corner of Cascade and North 2nd was condemned and torn down. Worship then took place in the Masonic Temple.
1915 – Worship services were moved from the Masonic Temple into the “hole in the ground”, the basement of the new church with a “capped” ceiling.
1917 – Cornerstone of the sanctuary of the Methodist Episcopal Church was laid and construction began. World War I and the Spanish Flu slowed down the project.
1920 – Ladies Aid Society purchased the pipe organ.
1920 - mid-December - Construction of sanctuary was completed.
1921 Jan. 2, Sunday - The first worship service was held with Rev. W.S. Grimm presiding. Rev. Grimm was a newly retired Methodist pastor who had served the Montrose Methodists and then was hired as project manager on the church construction.
1921 Jan. 7, Friday - The formal opening service conducted by Conference
Bishop Charles L. Mead. “The buildings of a town indicate the character of its people. People passing thru Montrose will see this church and thereby read your character, that of a people with a vision and with faith.” – Bishop Mead
1991 - Ground breaking for Baldridge Hall, commercial kitchen and primary classrooms.
1993 - Additional Structure completed. The designing architect was Patrik Davis of Montrose.
1994 - Dedication of additional structure was named after Cliff Baldridge, a pillar of the community and very involved with the church.
1999 – The United Methodist Church of Montrose was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
2011 – The chancel area and choir loft were renovated to make them handicapped accessible. The downstairs’ kitchen was upgraded to become a commercial kitchen and named "The Cross & Flame Cafe".
2023 - The United Methodist Church of Montrose was put on the City of Montrose Registry of Historic Places.
If you have questions about:
Please click
here. The information is provided by the greater United Methodist Church.
Welcome from the Pastor
I am excited to greet you on behalf of the community of faith at the First United Methodist Church of Montrose, Colorado. As pastor to this downtown church community, I am so pleased to share what I have learned about this congregation since I became its pastor in July of 2022.
The First United Methodist Church (FUMC)--also referred to as Montrose United Methodist Church–has been here since 1883. This is a church with roots as deep as the roots of Montrose, Colorado itself. The church’s life continues to be fed and energized by the same Divine Spirit who inspired its founding members.
Today, FUMC is deeply and inclusively welcoming. Our worship is inviting and meaningful. FUMC is also committed to a plethora of ministries that positively affect not only our church, but also our neighbors, our community, our region, and even our world. Anyone will find a true home at FUMC who wishes to be part of a church that wholly embraces you, gives you encouragement to stretch and grow, and offers endless opportunities to exercise your faith in partnership with other people who are dedicated to the mission begun by Jesus.
Come, discover and share the Spirit who has guided FUMC for almost 150 years. That same Spirit will continue to lead us to all of the possibilities of tomorrow.
On earth as it is in heaven,
Rev. Kevin D. Young
Faith is the cornerstone of our church. It is part of every activity that we do, every meeting that we hold. We believe in our Lord, and that our actions are a reflection of his goodness.
We look to the Lord for guidance in our lives. In Scripture, we find all that we need to guide us in the right path. Reading and understand Scripture helps us all live meaningful lives.
Join us. We welcome each and every one of you to encounter the Lord's unconditional love with us. Inside each of us is a purpose and meaning to be fulfilled by God.
Youth Mission Trip
Youth Mission Trip
Youth is a unique period of life, one filled with exploration, discovery, excitement and fulfillment. The Church Youth Ministry provides a nurturing, loving environment for young people exploring the world. It is a safe place where faith guides exploration and self-discovery.
The Gospel has a message for everyone, of every age, and in every language. Exposing your child to the Lord's path when they are young gives them guidance, hope and strength that lasts a lifetime. To learn more, get in touch with Sarah Seymour, our Family Ministry Director. Sarah's email is
Christmas Pageant
Christmas Peagant
Biship Karen Oliveto addressed our church's leadership team in January, 2022. Her remarks based on Isaiah 43:18 & 19 inspired us all. The video is about 8 1/2 minutes.
Ecclesiastes 3
Karen De Julio and her family have been part of the United Methodist Church for generations. Hear her words of faith which are timeless.
We Enjoy the Mission Work and Activities
Kevin and Jylliane Meiners enjoy the mission and service opportunities that our church gets involved in. Listen to them talk about their favorites and how they have grown closer to God.
19 S. Park Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
P: (970) 249-3716
Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 2 pm
Friday: Closed