Joyfully to love all, serve all, and share Jesus Christ with the world!


Joyfully to love all, serve all, and share Jesus Christ with the world!

Worship & Prayer

Inclusive to All

Spiritual Growth

Community Involved

Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors.

Our Vision Statement:

"Montrose United Methodist Church is a leader in being fully inclusive, loving, and just servants of Christ."   

Our church family welcomes people from various cultural and faith backgrounds: single, married, remarried, with children,

and without children, from diapers to dentures. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey we invite you to come

and discover hope, joy, peace and purpose.

Our Values

  • Grow spiritually both individually and as a church
  • Inclusive
  • Provide musical diversity and excellence
  • Provide and maintain a downtown historic building for worship and other gatherings
  • Multi-generational ministry
  • Mission oriented locally, regionally, and internationally
  • Provide fellowship, a sense of belonging, and a support system
  • Participate in service projects
  • Support a strong youth/family program
  • Community oriented
  • Fiscally sound

Montrose United Methodist Church is a Certified Welcoming Congregation

Our church has been recognized as a Welcoming Congregation by The United Methodist Church through Igniting Ministry. This mark of recognition is earned through efforts of a local congregation to prepare actively and intentionally to receive newcomers.

What if church wasn’t just a building, but thousands of doors? Each of them opening up to a different concept or experience of church – and a journey that could change our world. Find your place in the United Methodist Church. Montrose United Methodist Church is a part of the Mountain Sky Conference. Find out more about the conference at https://www.mtnskyumc.org/


To view the weekly online worship service please click HERE

8:30 am - Sanctuary & Virtual

9:45 am Christian Education & Fellowship

11:00 am Sanctuary


You are invited to participate in any and all events held inside and outside our buildings. We believe in coming together to pray, listen and support each other. It is our hope that we engage one another in laughter and love.

Service Projects

We are a congregation that believes in missions and we enjoy helping others in our community, region  and abroad. We do this with out time, talents and treasures.  Join us!

More Opportunities

You may have special talents – we need you!  These are committees that help guide us spiritually, administratively, and financially as we live into our mission and vision.

Get Involved!

There are numerous ways to get involved in our Church and Community. Check out the possibilities!

Prayer has the power to heal the soul

Prayer is the song we sing in our hearts, the hope we keep in our minds, the music of our souls. With prayer, we can overcome all hardships and find joy. We can overcome difficulty and find salvation. Come pray with us. Discover the power that is inside of you, waiting to be set free. 


Recent Sermons

Join us and explore the Lord's wisdom with us. Many hearts united for one misssion. 

March 2, 2025 - "Face to Face"

As individuals we may be the face of something; the face of our family, our club, the face of a particular point of view, the face of our form of art. As Christians, what are we the face of?

February 23, 2025 - "Idealist or Realist?"

When Jesus says that we should love our enemies, and do good to those who hate us, we might agree and nod our heads, and concede that this would be a good thing. It’s part of our creed. The idea of loving the unlovable is a thread that has been woven into the fabric of our church clothes since we were old enough to recite “God is love” (1 John 4:7)..

February 16, 2025 - "Futile Faith"

Rev. Brittani Bair preached this Sunday: When the hard moments and decisions of life come along, we learn what we really believe. Our faith is that Jesus was raised from the dead, and that Jesus has the power to heal people. When we really believe that, we act accordingly.


The historic building that is the Montrose United Methodist Church has stood in the community for over 100 years as a beacon of faith and service. Those who came before us lived out their incredible faith for the future of this community. We will continue the journey they started in faithful support of God's plan.

The vibrant ministries thriving within this faith community touch lives throughout the church family, the community of Montrose and the world; positively impacting the people across generations, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, ethnicity and much more. 

Here are three primary funds you can give to:

General Giving (Operating Budget)

Renovation Initiative (Capital Campaign)

Endowment Trust

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Proverbs 18:16

Want to get involved?

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